NEW! Try the new and advanced Cookie Consent solution: user consent log, geolocation detection (ie. show notice banner only when required) and more customization options. Try Privacy Consent today.

Our free Cookie Consent can help you comply with GDPR and ePrivacy Directive. This guide will help you go through the 5 easy steps to implement our free Cookie Consent notice banner.

Step 1 on how to implement the Cookie Consent
Step 1

Start building your Cookie Consent today. Choose the preferred compliance type: ePrivacy Directive or GDPR+ePrivacy Directive.

Step 2 on how to implement the Cookie Consent
Step 2

Customize your Cookie Consent with your website name, the preferred color palette and the default language.

Step 13 on how to implement the Cookie Consent
Step 3

Copy-paste your JavaScript scripts on our Cookie Consent builder. Or you can tag your JavaScripts according to our instructions.

Step 4 on how to implement the Cookie Consent
Step 4

You're done. The Cookie Consent banner notice code has been generated. Copy it.

Step 5 on how to implement the Cookie Consent
Step 5

Copy the generated Cookie Consent on your website webpages in the <body> section.

Example of Cookie Consent with ePrivacy Directive consent preference

Example of Cookie Consent with ePrivacy Directive consent preference.

Example of Cookie Consent with GDPR consent preference

Example of Cookie Consent with GDPR consent preference.

Example of Cookie Consent notice banner in a different color palette

Example of Cookie Consent notice banner in a different color palette.

Example of Cookie Consent notice banner in a different language

Example of Cookie Consent notice banner in a different language.

Example of Cookie Consent notice banner in a different style for the banner

Example of Cookie Consent notice banner in a different style for the banner.

Video thumbnail: How to add a Free Cookie Consent

Learn how to add a Free Cookie Consent Notice banner using our Free Cookie Consent tool.

Play video

Video thumbnail: How to integrate Google Consent Mode V2

Learn how to integrate Google Consent Mode v2 with our Free Cookie Consent.

Play video

Video thumbnail: How to add a Free Cookie Consent

Learn how to block scripts before user consent with Free Cookie Consent.

Play video

Video thumbnail: How to add a Free Cookie Consent

How to add a button to allow visitors to open the Cookie Preferences when using the Free Cookie Consent notice banner.

Play video

How to tag your JavaScript scripts

Tag any JavaScript <script> that you're using by changing type="text/javascript" to type="text/plain".

Then add the corresponding consent level for each tagged <script>. For example: data-cookie-consent="functionality".

That's it.

Here's an example from Google Analytics and a Login Session script that's loaded with some necessary cookies:

<!-- Login Cookies -->
<script type="text/plain" data-cookie-consent="strictly-necessary" src="/js/login-session.js"></script>

<!-- Google Analytics -->
<script type="text/plain" data-cookie-consent="tracking">
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', GOOGLE_PROPERTY_ID_GOES_HERE, 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

Google Consent Mode V2 can be easily integrated with Cookie Consent.

Create the gtag function with the default consent states as denied. Then, load the Google Analytics script. And then, using the callbacks functionality from Cookie Consent, update the consent states based on user acceptance.

The full instructions are below:

  1. First, set the default consent states to denied.

    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){
    gtag('consent', 'default', {
    	'ad_storage': 'denied',
    	'ad_user_data': 'denied',
    	'ad_personalization': 'denied',
    	'analytics_storage': 'denied'
  2. Load Google Analytics on your page without tagging it to a specific category. With the default consent states as denied, Google Analytics will adjust its behavior accordingly in order to preserve analytics measurement.

    <script async src=""></script>
    	window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    	function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    	gtag('js', new Date());
    	gtag('config', 'TAG_ID');
  3. Then, update your Cookie Consent config code to include a new parameter called callbacks that updates the consent states based on user consent.

    "callbacks": {
    	"scripts_specific_loaded": (level) => {
    		switch(level) {
    			case 'targeting':
    				gtag('consent', 'update', {
    					'ad_storage': 'granted',
    					'ad_user_data': 'granted',
    					'ad_personalization': 'granted',
    					'analytics_storage': 'granted'
    "callbacks_force": true

At the end, your code should look like this:

Final code of Google Consent Mode V2 integration with Cookie Consent

What is Cookie Consent?

Cookie Consent ( is a free cookies management solution by TermsFeed that you can integrate on your website that helps you comply with the EU Cookies Directive and GDPR.

Start building your Cookie Consent today.

Do I need Cookie Consent?

The general rule is this: if you use cookies on your website, you need Cookie Consent. For example, if you use Google Analytics, you need Cookie Consent. If you have use JavaScript code on your website that may store or retrieve cookies, you may need Cookie Consent.

Is Cookie Consent free?

Yes, Cookie Consent is 100% free.

How can I create a Cookie Consent banner notice?

Your Cookie Consent banner notice can be created by going through the builder steps above. At Step 1, choose your consent preference type. At Step 2, customize the banner notice by adding your website name and choosing a preferred language for the Cookie Consent.

How can I implement Cookie Consent?

Once you have generated your Cookie Consent banner notice, begin to organize all your JavaScripts by tagging them correctly using the available consent levels: strictly-necessary, functionality, tracking, targeting.

Is Google Consent Mode V2 supported by Cookie Consent?

Yes, you can easily integrate Google Consent Mode V2 with Cookie Consent. Set the consent states as denied, load the Google script and then use the callbacks from Cookie Consent to update the consent states based on user acceptance.

How can I edit the text from the Cookie Consent notice banner?

You can use the notice_banner_purposes_levels parameter in the config code to control if certain categories are visible inside the notice banner text (as purposes text) and inside the Preferences Center (as tabs).

Does the Cookie Consent include consent log functionality?

Upon giving consent, a new cookie named cookie_consent_user_consent_token is created. It includes a random string that can be used to identify the consent given.

We do not provide consents storage! We suggest to try out our paid Cookie Consent solution, called Privacy Consent, that includes automatic geo-location functionality, consent log functionality and storage (with downloadable CSV files) and more features for GDPR, CCPA.

You can also pass your own identifier string (instead on relying on Cookie Consent to automatically generate it) by inserting a new parameter in the config code: user_consent_token. Example: "user_consent_token": "STRING_GOES_HERE".

How can I use the Cookie Consent across multiple subdomains?

You can integrate Cookie Consent to work across multiple subdomains of the same root domain by inserting the domain parameter in the config code.

Example: "cookie_domain": ""

Please make sure you enter the correct domain when using this parameter. Otherwise, the Cookie Consent will not work properly.

How can I load the Cookie Consent only for EU (Europe) visitors?

Currently, our free Cookie Consent version does not include any geo-location functionality. We suggest to try out our paid Cookie Consent solution, called Privacy Consent, that includes automatic geo-location (ie. notice banner loaded only for EU users or if you're based in the EU).

My app is SPA (single-page application). How can I open the Preferences Center?

For single-page applications (SPAs) you can open the Preferences Center using the openPreferencesCenter() method.

Example: <button onclick="cookieconsent.openPreferencesCenter();">Open Preferences Center</button>

Why do I see weird characters in the Cookie Consent notice banner when using different languages?

You may see weird characters in the Cookie Consent notice banner if your HTML page does not have the meta charset tag added.

You can fix this by adding the charset="UTF-8" parameter:

  1. In the head section of your webpages add: <meta charset="utf-8" />
  2. Add the generated Cookie Consent code in the body section of your webpages
  3. Modify the first line of the generated code to add a new charset="UTF-8" parameter: <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="//.....

You should also make sure that your code/text editor saves your webpages in UTF-8 and your web server (Apache, nginx) sets the correct encoding.


  1. Generate the Cookie Consent build configuration code by going through the steps above - Start building your Cookie Consent today.
  2. Copy the generated code on your website right after the <body> tag or before the </body>.


In order for the Cookie Consent tool to run correctly, you need to "tag" your JS scripts:

  1. For any <script> you want to tag, change type="text/javascript" to type="text/plain". If type="text/javascript" is not available, add type="text/plain".

  2. On the same <script>, add in the corresponding cookie level. For example: data-cookie-consent="functionality".

Here's an example:

<!-- Login Cookies -->
<script type="text/plain" data-cookie-consent="strictly-necessary" src="/js/login-session.js"></script>

<!-- Google Analytics -->
<script type="text/plain" data-cookie-consent="tracking">
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', GOOGLE_PROPERTY_ID_GOES_HERE, 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');


You can apply your own style for the Cookie Consent by writing your own CSS to overwrite the CSS of Cookie Consent.

Use Developer Tools > Inspect Element to identify the element you want to customize and style differently. Then write your own CSS rules to overwrite the style of the element. For example, if you'd like to make the title of the notice banner red then:

.termsfeed-com---nb .cc-nb-title {
  color: red !important;


The following methods are available for the Cookie Consent:

Name Description;

The run() method initiates the Cookie Consent. It accepts the configuration options (see below).


The openPreferencesCenter() can be used to open the Preferences Center if the classic method (naming the ID of the button/link in the configuration options) is not available. For example, in single-page applications (SPAs).

Configuration options

The following configurations are available for the Cookie Consent that can be used with the method:

Name Type Default Values Description




  • express
  • implied

Type of consent to apply.

implied will automatically load all tagged JS scripts on page load without waiting for consent.

express will not load any tagged JS scripts (except strictly necessary) until the user clicks "I Agree".




  • light
  • dark

Color palette to apply.




Please see builder steps above for all available languages.

Language for the text inside the notice banner and Preferences Center.




  • simple
  • headline
  • interstitial
  • standalone

Type of notice banner design to apply. Please see builder steps above for a preview of these banner types.




  • true
  • false

Hides the "I Reject" (I Decline) button in the notice banner.




  • true
  • false

Appends the legal URLs (Privacy Policy and/or Impressum) in the notice banner text.




  • afterbegin
  • beforeend

Location where to insert the Cookie Consent HTML elements.



["strictly-necessary", "functionality", "tracking", "targeting"]

Categories of purposes mentioned in the notice banner text and corresponding tabs in Preferences Center.




  • true
  • false

Hides the close button (top right) in Preferences Center.




  • ["strictly-necessary", "functionality", "tracking", "targeting"]

Categories of tagged scripts to load on page load regardless of consent_type.

By default, the configuration code will insert only strictly-necessary if your consent_type is express.





The ID of the button/link to open the Preferences Center.




  • true
  • false

Refreshes the page once the user clicks "I Agree", "I Reject" or "Save" button from Preference Center.





Sets the URL to the Privacy Policy.

It appears in the Preferences Center > More Information tab.

It would appear in the notice banner text only if notice_banner_insert_legal_urls is true.





Sets the URL to the Impressum page.

It would appear in the notice banner text only if notice_banner_insert_legal_urls is true.





By default, Cookie Consent will generate a user consent token that you can use to retrieve an identifiable consent given by a user. Use user_consent_token if you'd like to set your own token for consent given.

We suggest to try out our paid Cookie Consent solution, called Privacy Consent, that includes automatic geo-location functionality, consent log functionality and storage (with downloadable CSV files) and more features for GDPR, CCPA.





Sets the domain when creating the cookies necessary for Cookie Consent to run properly. If cookie_domain is set, the Cookie Consent can run on subdomains.

Do not set cookie_domain if you'd like Cookie Consent to run separately and independenly on each subdomain you install it on.





Sets the number of days when the cookies set by Cookie Consent expire.

Default is 365 days. Maximum value is 400 (capped by web browsers, see Chrome release M104 in Aug 2022).



You can use callbacks to integrate additional logic with Cookie Consent.

Supported events are:

  • notice_banner_loaded (when the notice banner has loaded)
  • i_agree_button_clicked (when user has clicked on "I Agree" button)
  • i_decline_button_clicked (when user has clicked on "I Decline" button)
  • change_my_preferences_button_clicked (when user has clicked on "Change Preferences" button)
  • scripts_specific_loaded (when scripts from a specific category have loaded)
  • user_consent_saved (when user consent preference is updated)

Example of callbacks code:

You can use function names instead of code to fire your own functions:

"callbacks": {
    "scripts_specific_loaded": "my_function_for_scripts_specific_loaded"

Callbacks are fired only if tagged scripts are found on page. Otherwise, to fire callbacks when consent category is accepted without any tagged scripts on page, add callbacks_force as true.




  • true
  • false

Fires callbacks even if no tagged scripts are found on the page (fires when the consent category is accepted regardless if tagged scripts are assigned).